I had already post about interval arithmetic, so here is only additional example of 2nd algorithm, based on analizing of sorted edges of the interval:
But now implementation will be in Haskell and shows how to do interval arithmetic with not integers only, but any other type (which can have some metric, i.e. be ordering):
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
import Data.List
data Iv e = Ord e => Iv e e
makeIv e1 e2 =
Iv e1' e2' where [e1', e2'] = sort [e1, e2]
ivFst (Iv e _) = e
ivSnd (Iv _ e) = e
iv2List (Iv e1 e2) = [e1, e2]
mergeIv :: Ord e => Iv e -> Iv e -> [Iv e]
mergeIv i1 i2 =
let sx = sort $ (iv2List i1) ++ (iv2List i2)
[isx1, isx2] = sortBy (\x y->compare (ivSnd x) (ivSnd y)) [i1, i2] in
case (ivSnd isx1) `compare` (ivFst isx2) of
LT -> [Iv (sx!!0) (sx!!1), Iv (sx!!2) (sx!!3)]
_ -> [Iv (sx!!0) (sx!!3)]
-- Examples:
data Color = Red|Orange|Yellow|Green|Blue|Indigo|Violet deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
main = do
print $ map iv2List $ mergeIv (makeIv 20 1) (makeIv (-1) 10)
print $ map iv2List $ mergeIv (makeIv Red Blue) (makeIv Orange Indigo)
You see example with colors: merging of [Red; Blue]
interval with [Orange; Indigo]
gives us result as [Red; Indigo]
interval :-)
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