суббота, 17 декабря 2016 г.


Anamorphism is the one of well known recursive schemes which is defined in pseudocode as:

p :: B -> Bool
g :: B -> A || B
h :: B -> A*
h b = Nil        ,  p b
    = a : h b'   , ¬p b
    where a, b' = g b

The scheme looks like:

image/svg+xml g Nil | a b' b h

p (not shown) is the predicate which "decides" what to return on current step: Nil or to continue to recursion.

It can be easy coded in Python:

def ana(b, g, p):
    if p(b): return []
        a, b_ = g(b)
        return a + ana(b_, g, p)

Most known example of usage is:

def myzip(l0, l1):
    def g(b):
        x, *xs = b[0]
        y, *ys = b[1]
        if not xs and ys: xs = [None]
        if not ys and xs: ys = [None]
        return ([(x, y)], (xs, ys))
    def p(b):
        return not (b[0] or b[1])
    return ana((l0, l1), g, p)

print(myzip([1,2,3,4], [10,20,30]))
print(list(zip([1,2,3], [10,20,30])))

A specially ZIP looks like:

image/svg+xml g (a,b) (as,bs) b h (a:as,b:bs)

what is in pseudocode:

zip :: A* || B* -> (A || B)*
zip = ANA<g, p>, where:
  g (a:as, b:bs) = ((a,b), (as, bs))
  p (as, bs) = (as=Nil) | (bs=Nil) -- until one of tails is not empty

Whether it is possible to imagine a parallel form?

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