воскресенье, 18 декабря 2016 г.

Catamorphism (with picture:)

Catamorphism is yet another good known recursive scheme which is assitiated with folding. It's simple too and can be shown as pseudocode:


h Nil = b

h([a|as]) = a ⊕ (h as)

This strange operation ⊕ is dyadic operation between list item of type A and "zero"-item of type B.

Scheme graphically looks like:

image/svg+xml h

Some famous functions:

length = CATA<0, ⊕>,  a ⊕ n = 1 + n
map = CATA<Nil, ⊕>,  a ⊕ bs = [f a | bs]

All of these are easy coded in Python:

def cata(b, l, op):
    if not l: return b
    x, *xs = l
    return op(x, cata(b, xs, op))

def length(l):
    return cata(0, l, lambda x, n: 1 + n)

def mymap(f, l):
    return cata([], l, lambda a, bs: [f(a)] + bs)

print(mymap(lambda x: x+10, [1,2,3]))

And again: most interesting here is: how to transform it to become parallel.

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