воскресенье, 21 августа 2011 г.

Internationalization in the Bottle

This approach is very limited! In serious sites you have to support Web-robots, links with language code... I use it for small (embedded Web console) projects only.

I18N in the Bottle Python framework is easy. I prefer to do i18n for 2 different tasks:
  1. i18n for messages (strings)
  2. i18n for static text big pies (in the templates)
I use gettext mechanism. In my application folder I have folders:

"locale" is the folder for i18n/i10n. Folders with language codes ("bg", "xx") are placed here. Each of them contents two subfolders: LC_MESSAGES with compiled .po file (messages.mo) and TEMPLAES (with .tpl files), except en/ folder: no LC_MESSAGES here.

I use make-like mechanism for compilation .po-files, adding new locale - Python fabricate build tool. It's very lightweight and is written in single Python file!

.po-files are very simple. I changed next strings in the one:
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: utf8\n"
and encoded it into utf-8 (using vim, for example). Then added my msgid, msgstr pairs, as usual.

So, my Bottle application have to know current language (preferred by user) and how to: a) found corresponding template b) how to translate word/text.
# to test, change language in the browser (see priority of them!). Then
# refresh page - you should see text in different language
_LANGS = {}
def initi18n():
    """Init internationalization of UI
    import __builtin__
    global _LANGS
    for l in ("bg","ru"): # list of supported language
        trans = gettext.translation(I18N_DOMAIN, LOCALEDIR, languages=[l])
        _LANGS[l] = trans
    # default translator (i.e. _())
    __builtin__.__dict__["_"] = unicode

def request_lang(req):
    """Determine preferred language of the user from WSGI environment
    variable HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE. Default is 'en'
    # if cfg module overrides user language
    if cfg.LANG != "default":
        return cfg.LANG

        return req.environ.get("HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE", "").split(";")[0].split("-")[0]
        return "en"

def switch_lang(lang):
    """Select language for output VIA GETTEXT
    import __builtin__
    trans = _LANGS.get(lang, None)
    if trans:
        __builtin__.__dict__["_"] = unicode

def templatei18n(name, lang=None, **kw):
    """Like bottle template() but render for current language
    from os.environ["LANGUAGE"]. And not like bottle's template,
    doesn't support source, only name (not path!) as 1st arg!
    If no lang, it will be selected from request
    if not lang:
        lang = request_lang(request)
    tplpath = "%s/%s/TEMPLATES/%s" % (LOCALEDIR, lang, name)
    tplpath = os.path.abspath(tplpath) + ".tpl"
    if not os.path.exists(tplpath):
        tplpath = name
    return template(tplpath, **kw)

def i18n(templ):
    """Decorator for template rendering using current
    language (i18n support)
    def decor(view):
        def w(*a, **kw):
            lang = request_lang(request)
            d = view(*a, **kw)
            return templatei18n(templ, lang=lang, **d)
        return w
    return decor

I use initi18n() before application starting and use @i18n decorator for localized templates. Nothing else:
@i18n("tasks") # name of the template
def tasks_list(self):
    """Show table of tasks
    ps = tasks_info()
    for taskname in ps:
        msg = self.runres.get(taskname, "") or ps[taskname]["msg"]
        ps[taskname]["msg"] = msg
        self.runres[taskname] = ""
    return dict(ps=ps)
User should select preferred language in the Web browser options. You - create template "tasks.tpl" in all locale/*/TEMPLATES and translated messages in .mo-file to use _(..) function everywhere you need (Python code, templates).

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