понедельник, 12 марта 2012 г.

Real time (stream) integration with Simpson's rule

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About this method of numerical integration you can read here. To do it in streaming manner we should do little formal mathematics:

Composite Simpson's rule:

a b f x x h 3 k = 1 , 2 N - 1 f x k - 1 + 4 f x k + f x k + 1

where k=1,2 means from 1 step by 2, N is even intervals number.

The sum will be: h 3 k = 1 , 2 N - 1 S k

Simpsone's method requires 3 points least so we can integrate not every point (sample) but through one, so neighboring samples are IN-2 and IN. Different between them is:

I N - I N - 2 = h 3 k = 1 , 2 N - 1 S k - k = 1 , 2 N - 3 S k = h 3 S N - 1 + k = 1 , 2 N - 3 S k - k = 1 , 2 N - 3 S k

no SN-2 member bcz of step k=2.

So difference is: h 3 S N - 1

For example, I 4 - I 2 = h 3 y 2 + 4 y 3 + y 4 , where I4 is 4th interval but 5th sample.

And resulting formula of Ii=
0 , i 1
h 3 y i - 2 + 4 y i - 1 + y i + I i - 1 , i mod 2 = 0
I i - 1 , i mod 2 0

where i is a number of input sample. We can not get values of I on each sample, but through one (skipping odds and 0-th, 1-th). On odds samples, value will repeat previous one.

Example in SWIG:
some.h file:
// Simpsone's rule integrator
typedef struct CSIntr {
        double I; // last value of integral
        double y_1; // y[-1]
        double y_2; // y[-2]
        double h; // step of subinterval
        double h_d; // step of subinterval/3
        long long i; // iteration
} CSIntr;
some.i file:
%include "some.h"
%extend CSIntr {
    // FIXME how is more right to do this?
    void reset() {
        $self->I = 0.;
        $self->y_1 = $self->y_2 = 0.;
        $self->i = 0;

    void setup(double h) {
        $self->h = h;
        $self->h_d = h/3.;

    CSIntr(double h) {
        CSIntr *obj;

        if (NULL == (obj=(CSIntr*) malloc(sizeof (CSIntr))))
            return (NULL);
        CSIntr_setup(obj, h);
        return (obj);

    ~CSIntr() {
        if ($self) free($self);

    double calculate(double y) {
        if ($self->i <= 1)
            $self->I = 0;
        else if (0 == $self->i % 2)
            $self->I += $self->h_d * ($self->y_2 + 4. * $self->y_1 + y);

        $self->y_2 = $self->y_1;
        $self->y_1 = y;
        return ($self->I);
So, if we use Tcl, then we can build and test our class:
Makefile's fragment:
some_wrap.c: some.i some.h some.c
 swig -tcl -pkgversion 1.0 some.i

some.dll: some_wrap.c
 gcc -Ic:/tcl/include -I./ -DUSE_TCL_STUBS -c some_wrap.c -o some_wrap.o
 gcc -shared -o some.dll some/some_wrap.o -L c:/tcl/lib -ltclstub85 -lm
test on linear function with yi = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}:
load some
% CSIntr cs 1
% cs calculate 1
% cs calculate 2
% cs calculate 3
% cs calculate 4
% cs calculate 5
I4 is really 12.0

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