понедельник, 12 марта 2012 г.

Docstrings in Tcl (and IncrTcl)

Docstrings are very popular in Python, Lisp... This is the easy way to include documentation into implementation (reverse LP). But in Tcl are can be usable to generate help of commands for user. Here is the listing of one (it support procs and Itcl methods):
package provide mydoc 1.0

namespace eval mydoc {
    namespace export doc

set _NOHELPMSG "No help."

proc ::mydoc::_docstring {body} {
    set body [string trim $body]
    set docstring ""
    # without 1st '^' will match any FIRST docstring block even after
    # commands!
    if {[regexp {^#\s*([^\n]+\n)+(\n\n)} $body docstring]} {
        set docstring [regsub -all {\s*#\s?} $docstring \n]
        set docstring [string trim $docstring]
        return $docstring

proc ::mydoc::doc args {
    # Help on command: procedure or class method. Call:
    #   doc some_object some_method
    #   doc some_class some_method
    #   doc some_proc

    global _NOHELPMSG
    set found ""
    switch -- [llength $args] {
        1 {
            # args: proc
            set name [lindex $args 0]
            set arguments [info args $name]
            set body [info body $name]
            set found [_docstring $body]
        2 {
            # FIXME not optimal!
            # args: object|class method
            lassign $args cls_obj meth
            set objs [itcl::find objects]
            # cls_obj may be object OR class. What is it?
            if {-1 != [lsearch -regexp $objs :*$cls_obj]} {
                # this is the object
                set arguments [$cls_obj info args $meth]
                set body [$cls_obj info body $meth]
                set found [_docstring $body]
            } else {
                # this is the class
                set arguments [namespace eval ::$cls_obj info args $meth]
                set body [namespace eval ::$cls_obj info body $meth]
                set found [_docstring $body]
        default { error "wrong args: proc | object method | class method" }
    if {$found eq ""} {
        return $_NOHELPMSG
    } else {
        return $found

# txt is the string with \n, shifter is like '\t' or '\t\t'..
proc mydoc::_shift_strings {txt shifter} {
    if {$txt ne ""} {
        return "$shifter[regsub -all \n $txt \n$shifter]"

# Generate only for documented with docstrings
proc mydoc::_genrst {fname} {
    set result {}
    # Collect help on objects and it's methods
    set clshelp {}
    foreach cls [itcl::find classes] {
        set her [namespace eval $cls "info heritage"]

        set varhelp {}
        foreach v [namespace eval $cls info variable] {
            catch {
                #lappend varhelp [namespace eval $cls info variable $v -protection public]
                if {[string first "::_" $v] == -1} {
                    switch -- [namespace eval $cls info variable $v -protection] {
                        public { set vprot "public" }
                        protected { set vprot "protected" }
                        private { set vprot "private" }
                    lappend varhelp "- $vprot $v"

        set methelp {}
        foreach func [namespace eval $cls "info function"] {
            catch {
                set body [string trim [namespace eval $cls "info body $func"]]
                if {$body ne ""} {
                    set arguments [namespace eval $cls "info args $func"]
                    if {$arguments eq ""} { set arguments "no args." }
                    set docstring [_shift_strings [_docstring $body] \t]
                    if {$docstring ne ""} {
                        lappend methelp "*${func}*: **${arguments}**"
                        lappend methelp ""
                        lappend methelp "::"
                        lappend methelp ""
                        lappend methelp $docstring
                        lappend methelp ""
                        lappend methelp ""
        if {$methelp ne ""} {
            # there are methods with docstrings!
            if {[llength $her] > 1} {
                # there are base classes
                set bases [lrange $her 1 end]
                set her "[lindex $her 0] (*extends ${bases}*)"
            lappend clshelp "$her"
            lappend clshelp [string repeat "-" [string length $her]]
            lappend clshelp ""
            lappend clshelp "Variables"
            lappend clshelp "~~~~~~~~~"
            lappend clshelp ""
            if {$varhelp ne ""} {
                lappend clshelp [join $varhelp "\n"]
            } else {
                lappend clshelp "No variables."
            lappend clshelp ""
            lappend clshelp "Methods"
            lappend clshelp "~~~~~~~"
            lappend clshelp ""
            lappend clshelp {*}$methelp
    # Collect procs help
    set prochelp {}
    foreach func [uplevel #0 info procs] {
        catch {
            set body [string trim [uplevel #0 info body $func]]
            if {$body ne ""} {
                set arguments [uplevel #0 info args $func]
                if {$arguments eq ""} { set arguments "no args." }
                set docstring [_shift_strings [_docstring $body] \t]
                if {$docstring ne ""} {
                    lappend prochelp "*${func}*: **${arguments}**"
                    lappend prochelp ""
                    lappend prochelp "::"
                    lappend prochelp ""
                    lappend prochelp $docstring
                    lappend prochelp ""
                    lappend prochelp ""

    if {$clshelp ne ""} {
        lappend result ""
        lappend result "Classes"
        lappend result "======="
        lappend result ""
        lappend result {*}$clshelp
    if {$prochelp ne ""} {
        lappend result ""
        lappend result "Procedures"
        lappend result "=========="
        lappend result ""
        lappend result {*}$prochelp

    set fid [open $fname w]
    puts -nonewline $fid [join $result "\n"]
    close $fid
This mechanism supports not only interactive help system for user (doc proc) but also help generating (to ReStructured Text format). Example of using (remember that two empty lines are used to end docstring section:
proc fun {args} {
  # Do something. Syntax:
  #  -one -- first action
  #  -two -- second action

  .. code ..

# OR

itcl::class C {
  method f {args} {
    # My method. Syntax:
    #  f one two -- do something
    #  f three four -- do something else

    .. code ..
and then call:
doc fun
doc C f
C cobj
doc cobj f
_genrst procedure is used to generate documentation. It looks like this:




  • protected ::HMC6343Protocol::this


::HMC6343Protocol::get: cmd what
Returns protocol info (what) about command cmd. What is:
  -def - definition of command (Tcl commands list to be execute for request)
  -resplen - length of response in bytes
  -respfmt - format of response
  -all - as fields as list
::HMC6343Protocol::unpack: cmd buf
Returns unpacked (as list) values from buf for cmd

::HMC6343Protocol::commands: no args.
Returns known commands names

::HMC6343Protocol::constructor: defs
Creates object.
  - defs is the list of CMD RESPONSE_LEN RESPONSE_FMT { Serial commands }...
  - RESPONSE_FMT is like in binary command
It's easy to use it in Makefile for help generation:
RST2HTML = C:/Python32/python.exe C:/Python32/Scripts/rst2html.py
 tclkit.exe gendoc.tcl
 $(RST2HTML) hlp.rst hlp.html
Use tclkit.exe if you have Tk code (instead of tclkitsh.exe). Python and docutils Python package are used to trnasform .rst into .html. gendoc.tcl looks like this:
# Generate hlp.rst file with references to all classes, its methods
# and procedures with docstrings (see lib/mydoc.tcl)
package require starkit
starkit::autoextend [file join $starkit::topdir]
package require myutl
set packages [glob -directory lib -tails "*.tcl"]
foreach pkg $packages {
    set pkg [regsub {.tcl$} $pkg ""]
    if {$pkg ne "pkgIndex"} {
        package require $pkg
mydoc::_genrst help.rst
exit 0
it imports all packages from lib directory and generates help.rst file for its' procs and methods. Makefile magic:
make hlp

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