суббота, 18 марта 2017 г.

Script to run jobs suite remotely via screen

Often in needed to run some jobs remotely, for example, tests on remote test environment. I used different custom "daemon"-like scripts for this, monitoring the jobs/tests, but another and simple solution for Linux is to use screen tool. It supports sessions, detaching, so is good for such kind of tasks. Here is the script which runs multiple jobs on remote host (setted via $RMHOST env. var). Its syntax is:

Used env. vars: \$USER (login), \$RMHOST (hostname)

so to run it you must:

  • set $RMHOST env. var
  • create file with commands which will be ran remotely: each command is on own line and can have any $ variables for substitution: they will be substituted locally
  • then call script as V1=a V2=b script -submit < created_file. This will substitute V1 and V2 in created_file and send resulting file over scp to remote host $RMHOST (you must have configured public-key access to host), then will send itself and call itself remotely with command -runall.

After it you can go to host, call screen -r to see your created session, to switch between windows (each job is ran on separate window). You will have local $LOG file with decscription of running commands and remote log file per job with info about what and when was run (job-<DATE>-<JOB_NUMBER>.log). Yes, each job has number/index related to line number of job suite file. If you want you can include generating of screen log file too (with -L option IMO).

While you are on remote host, you can run this script (which was scp-ed) with -cls command: it will remove all log files there.

That's it.

SCR=`basename "$0"`

_wrapjob() {
    _wrapjob_f=job-`date +%s`-$1.log
    echo "Started $1 at `date`: $2" > $_wrapjob_f
    echo '===============================================================================' >> $_wrapjob_f
    echo >> $_wrapjob_f
    $2|tee -a $_wrapjob_f

_runjob() {
    [ $1 = "0" ] && {
        # add -L to both if screelog.* logs are needed
        screen -dmS $SESSION -t "job$1" sh -c "~/$SCR -run $1 \"$2\";sh"
    } || {
        screen -S $SESSION -p 0 -X screen -t "job$1" sh -c "~/$SCR -run $1 \"$2\";sh"

case "$1" in
    -cls) rm -f screenlog.*; rm -f job*.log;;
    -run) _wrapjob "$2" "$3";;
        rm -f $LOG 2>/dev/null
        while read -r c; do
            c=`echo $c|tr -d '[:cntrl:]'`
            echo $c|egrep '^-' >/dev/null && continue
            _runjob $i "$c"
            echo "Ran $c;" >> $LOG
            i=`expr $i + 1`
            sleep 2
        rm -f .jobs-suite.tmp 2>/dev/null
        while read -r c; do
            echo $c|egrep '^-' >/dev/null && continue
            eval "echo $c" >> .jobs-suite.tmp
        scp "$0" "$USER@$RMHOST:$SCR"
        scp ".jobs-suite.tmp" $USER@$RMHOST:".jobs-suite.tmp"
        ssh -n -l $USER $RMHOST "sh $SCR -runall < .jobs-suite.tmp";;
        echo "Syntax:"
        echo "  -cls"
        echo "  -run JOB-NUMBER 'JOB-COMMAND'"
        echo "  -runall < FILE-WITH-COMMANDS"
        echo "  -submit < FILE-WITH-COMMANDS"
        echo "Used env. vars: \$USER (login), \$RMHOST (hostname)"
        exit 1;;

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