суббота, 20 февраля 2016 г.

Simple backtracking implementation

Classical task: you have numbers 1,5,6,7 and operations (),+,-,*,/,^. You have to build arithmetical expression which result will be 21 (without repeats!). For searching is solutions tree we'll use backtracking, for arithmetics - stack machine, like Forth. Search extracts element of each level with extract_e() from rest of variants cases, all other ones will be searching recursively. Function goal() is the predicate, which determines do we need to add found path into solutions list found. It has empiric: must be more than 1 numbers on the stack!

from functools import *

# split seq by element index, returns element and all other elements
extract_e = lambda seq, i: (seq[i], seq[:i] + seq[i+1:])
# all indexes of sequence
indexes = lambda seq: range(len(seq))

# backtracking
def bt(cases, goal, found=[], level=0, path=[]):
    if goal(path, level): found.append(path)
    for i in indexes(cases):
        c, rest = extract_e(cases, i)
        bt(rest, goal, found, level+1, path + [c])
    if 0 == level: return found

# Solver - uses postfix arithm.
class Solver:
    VALUES, OPERATORS = (1,5,6,7), ('+', '-', '*', '/', '^')

    def _binop(stack, op_ch):
        ops = { "+": lambda a, b: b+a, "-": lambda a, b: b-a,
                "*": lambda a, b: b*a, "/": lambda a, b: b/a,
                "^": lambda a, b: b**a, }
        stack.append(ops[op_ch](stack.pop(), stack.pop()))

    def eval(self, state, default=None):
            stack = []
            for c in state:
                if c in self.VALUES: stack.append(int(c))
                else: self._binop(stack, c)
            return stack.pop()
            return default

    def __call__(self):
        def goal(path, level):
            if len(path) > 2 and all(e in self.VALUES for e in path[:2]):
                try: return 21 == int(self.eval(path))
                except: return
        return bt(self.VALUES + self.OPERATORS, goal)

print("Found:", Solver()())

The same BT-search may be used for sorting:

# predicate: is seq ordered?
ordered = lambda seq: reduce(lambda i,e: (i[0] and e>=i[1], e), seq, (1, seq[0]))[0]
seq = [9,1,5,4]
print("In:", seq)
def completed(path, level): return level==len(seq) \
    and ordered(path)
print(bt(seq, completed))

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