понедельник, 17 сентября 2012 г.

ASF: simple utility for font editing

Used fonts in Atmel Software Framework are simple: each glyph is described with array of bytes - each set bit is pixel, no bit - no pixel :)
Next is the very-very simple Tcl utility to convert glyph bytes into console image of symbol and vice-verse.

# parsing and loading font
proc parsesymb str {
    # Parse one symbol in notation like:
    # "0x06,0x08,0x08,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00"

    set bytes [regexp -all -inline {0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]{2}} $str]
    return $bytes

proc putsymbline byte {
    # put on screen one line of a symbol

    set mask 0b10000000
    for {set i 0} {$i<8 data-blogger-escaped-bit="bit" data-blogger-escaped-byte="byte" data-blogger-escaped-expr="expr" data-blogger-escaped-i="i" data-blogger-escaped-incr="incr" data-blogger-escaped-mask="mask" data-blogger-escaped-set="set">>1}]
        if $bit {
            puts -nonewline "#"
        } else {
            puts -nonewline " "

proc putsymb symb_bytes {
    # put on screen all symbol (all it's lines)

    puts "+--------+"
    foreach sb $symb_bytes {
        puts -nonewline "|"
        putsymbline $sb
        puts "|"
    puts "+--------+"

# Compile glyphs to font in C format
proc compsymbline line {
    # Compile line like "# # # # " to 0xAA

    set bits [string map { " " 0 # 1} $line]
    return [format 0x%02X "0b$bits"]

proc compsymb symb_lines {
    # Compile lines of symbol (what out 'putsymb')

    set read 0
    set res {}
    foreach line $symb_lines {
        if {0 == $read} {
            if {$line eq "+--------+"} {
                set read 1
        } else {
            if {$line eq "+--------+"} {
            } else {
                set line [string trim $line "|"]
                lappend res [compsymbline $line]
    return [join $res ","]

proc getlines {} {
    set lines {}
    while {[gets stdin line] >= 0} {
        lappend lines $line
    return $lines

proc main args {
    global argc argv
    if {$argc} {
        set argv0 [lindex $argv 0]
        if {$argv0 eq "comp"} {
            set lines [getlines]
            puts [compsymb $lines]
        } elseif {$argv0 eq "put"} {
            set line [gets stdin]
            puts [putsymb [parsesymb $line]]
    puts {\
Syntax on Linux:
    1. cat file|PRG comp
    2. cat file|PRG put
Syntax on Windows:
    1. more file|PRG comp
    2. more file|PRG put

This means:
    1. Compile glyph image into C hex array
    2. Put glyph hex array on the screen as glyph image

Glyph images and its' hex arrays are inverse}

Example of usage:
$echo 0x20,0x78,0xA0,0x70,0x28,0xF0,0x20,0x00|tclkitsh font.tcl put
|  #     |
| ####   |
|# #     |
| ###    |
|  # #   |
|####    |
|  #     |
|        |
This is the "$" symbol. It's bytes I get from et024006dhu.c (see const unsigned char FONT6x8[97][8]) From another hand, you can save this glyph (with ASCII-box!) in some file and then call:
$cat somefile.txt|tclkitsh font.tcl comp
to get bytes of the glyph.

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