пятница, 9 декабря 2011 г.

Simple logger/debug messages with levels in C

This snippet shows way to turning-on/-off different levels of log/debug messaging in C program:

For example, lets create log messages support with 3 levels and possibility to select what levels are enabled:
#define PRN(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
#define L1 1
#define L2 2
#define L3 4

#define PRN_L(L, ...) PRN_##L(__VA_ARGS__)

#if (LEVEL) & (L3)
#  define PRN_L3(...) PRN(__VA_ARGS__)
#  define PRN_L3(...)

#if (LEVEL) & (L2)
#  define PRN_L2(...) PRN(__VA_ARGS__)
#  define PRN_L2(...)

#if (LEVEL) & (L1)
#  define PRN_L1(...) PRN(__VA_ARGS__)
#  define PRN_L1(...)
And somewhere in our program use it:
// enable only messages of levels 1 and 3 (equals to 1|4==5)
#define LEVEL (L1|L3)
#include "logger.h"

void main() {
    // use general macro or PRN_L1(), PRN_L2(), PRN_L3()
    PRN_L(L1, "There %d\n", 1);
    PRN_L(L2, "There %d\n", 2); // no effect!
    PRN_L(L3, "There %d\n", 3);
What else? With LEVEL definition you can control enabled levels: 0 - disable all levels or use OR-ed combination of L1..3

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