среда, 21 сентября 2011 г.

Creating of Intel HEX with Tcl/Tk

Intel HEX format is the simple ASCII format usually used to program different devices (it's flash and EEPROM memories). To create such data records, I use this code:
package provide ihex 1.0

namespace eval ihex {
    namespace export data EOF eraser
    set EOF ":00000001FF"

    proc verint {type value} {
        # Verify that value is in the type range. Known types are b (byte),
        # w (word), d (doubleword), q (quadword). If is out-of-range, then
        # raise will be callen
        set absvalue [::tcl::mathfunc::abs $value]

        proc raise {t v} {
            # Raise error message. t is type name, such as "word" or "quadword"
            error [format "Value 0x%X is not a %s" $v $t]

        switch -- $type {
            b { if {$absvalue > 255} {raise byte $absvalue} }
            w { if {$absvalue > 65536} {raise word $absvalue} }
            d { if {$absvalue > 4294967296} {raise doubleword $absvalue} }
            q { if {$absvalue > 18446744073709551616} {raise quadword $absvalue} }
        return 1

    proc args2bytes {args} {
        # Converts args to list of bytes (binary form of args). See
        # >>> args2bytes b1 w4A
        # 01 00 4A
        # Each arg is integer prefixed by b|w|d|q and is in hex-form.
        set bytes [list]
        foreach arg $args {
            set r [scan $arg %1s%x argtype argvalue]
            if {$r != 2} {
                #puts "some string..."
            } else {
                # verify value of argvalue (in type bounds)
                verint $argtype $argvalue
                # format argvalue into string
                switch -- $argtype {
                    b {set fmt %02X}
                    w {set fmt %04X}
                    d {set fmt %08X}
                    q {set fmt %016X}
                set sarg [format $fmt $argvalue]
                set argbytes [regexp -all -inline .. $sarg]
                set bytes [concat $bytes $argbytes]
        return $bytes

    proc crc {bytes} {
        # Calculate Intel-hex CRC for list of bytes (usual numbers in hex format
        # but without prefixes like b|w|d|q)
        set sum 0
        foreach b $bytes {
            incr sum 0x$b
        set sum [expr {(1 + ~$sum) & 0xFF}] ;# bcb
        return $sum

    proc data {address args} {
        # Returns data record for Intel hex format. args are list of integers such
        # b23 wAE... - byte 0x23, word 0x00AE
        set bytes [args2bytes {*}$args]
        set len [args2bytes [format b%X [llength $bytes]]]
        set address [args2bytes $address]
        set type 00
        set cc [crc [concat {} $len $address $type $bytes]]

        # Prepare output line
        set head :$len[join $address ""]$type
        set tail [join $bytes ""][format %02X $cc]
        return $head$tail

    proc join_eep {args} {
        # Join eep data records (":LLAAAA00..." strings) into one data record with size <= 256.
        # Does not check CRC of input records!
        set MAXSZ 256 ; # DONT USE > 256!!!
        # In the mem will be 256 "00 00 00..."
        for {set i 0} {$i < $MAXSZ} {incr i} { lappend mem 00 }
        set last_index 0
        foreach rec $args {
            set len [string range $rec 1 2]
            set address [string range $rec 3 6]
            set type [string range $rec 7 8]
            if {"0x$type" != 0} { continue } ;# skip not data records
            set bytes [string range $rec 9 end-2]
            set bytes [regexp -all -inline .. $bytes]
            #set ev [eval "expr {0x$address + 0x$len - 1}"]
            set from "0x$address"; set to [expr {"0x$address" + "0x$len" - 1}]
            set last_index [::tcl::mathfunc::max $last_index $to]
            set replacing "lreplace \$mem $from $to $bytes"
            set mem [eval $replacing]
        set len [format b%X [expr {$last_index + 1}]]
        set len [args2bytes $len]
        set address "00 00"
        set type 00
        set mem [lrange $mem 0 $last_index]
        set cc [crc [concat {} $len $address $type $mem]]

        # Prepare output line
        set head :$len[join $address ""]$type
        set tail [join $mem ""][format %02X $cc]
        return $head$tail
Procedure ihex::data is for create one record (ASCII line) from it's arguments as:
ihex::data b23 w0A
where each argument is value prefixed by b (for byte), w (for word), d (for doubleword), q (for quadword). Procedure ihex::join_eep is used to "join" into one memory 256-bytes chunk several records. It's arguments are in form of ":LLAAAATTDD...DCC". Procedure args2bytes is not exported but may be usable for creation bytes dump of it's arguments (also used b, w, d, q prefixes).

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