вторник, 21 июня 2011 г.

AVR timers support

These modules implements for AVR8, AVR128, AVR168P chips next functions:
void init_timers(void);
int alarm_action(int timer, timer_handler_t alarm_handler);
int _alarm(int timer, unsigned long usec);
int alarm(int timer, unsigned long usec);
unsigned long tclock(int timer);
unsigned long millis(void);
unsigned long micros(void);
alarm() is like standard C function (but for AVR), it's wrapped by cli()/sei() _alarm(). int timer is the number of the used timer. tclock() is like C's clock() but used timer id. clock() is the tclock(0) - standard C function, implemented on timer 0. millis()/micros() returns milliseconds/microseconds from last call. Before use, call init_timer() first.

Before to use, define F_CPU. CLOCKS_PER_SEC should not be defined. If is, this means that some timer for clock() is already in use. Tested with WinAVR-20100110, but may be needs more testing!

You can download source code from here on Google Project page.

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