- Live USB system
- Installer of TinyBSD (MFS based FreeBSD 8) on 16Mb (of system partition) for embedded devices
Script 'build.my' is used for image creation and copy to USB flash (all information will be destroyed!). Image is 32Mb. Original 'tinybsd' script is modified to support lists of includes and excludes files from image (see 'tinybsd.patch') via 'tinybsd.nofiles', 'tinybsd.basefiles' (last was in original TinyBSD).
'kh_inst' is the project/conf (similar to 'firewall', 'vpn', so on). Installation is made throught rc.d mechanism: etc/rc.d/osinst script will be called at start time and will ask user to boot from USB with live FS or to install system to HDD.
/etc/instskel contents all configuration of installed system:
- bsdlabel
- csh.cshrc
- fdisk
- fstab
- motd
- nodes
- profile
- rc.conf
- ttys
Installed OS additionally contents 2 preinstalled tools: mksh shell (small but usuable from MirBSD project) and tmux - BSD console multiplexer.
This installer was tested on LX-800 (AMD based board for embedded solutions).
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