понедельник, 17 декабря 2012 г.

Tags generation for ASF project

If you use Atmel Software Framework you can generate tags (with ctags|GNU Global) for your Vim/Emacs environment in such way (in Makefile):
ctags = c:/Program Files/ctags.exe
gtags = c:/global/bin/gtags.exe
sed = c:/MinGW/msys/1.0/bin/sed.exe
find = c:/MinGW/msys/1.0/bin/find.exe

# Global can not parse out of c:/prj/PRJ1/src
TAGS_DIRS = 'c:/Program Files/Atmel/Atmel Studio 6.0/extensions/Atmel/AVRGCC/' \
   c:/prj/PRJ1/src/asf-3.0.1 \

tags.files: force
 $(find) $(TAGS_DIRS) -type f -name *.S -or -name *.h -or -name *.c|$(sed) 's/c:\/prj\/PRJ1\/src/./g' >tags.files

$(GTAGS_FILES): tags.files
 $(gtags) -f tags.files

.PHONY: global_tags
global_tags: $(GTAGS_FILES)

tags: tags.files
 $(ctags) -L tags.files

.PHONY: all_tags
all_tags: tags global_tags

.PHONY: clean_tags
 rm -f $(GTAGS_FILES) tags
I suppose in this example you use Windows, have MinGW (with find, sed utils). Project is located in c:\prj and has name PRJ1. To generate use targets: tags, global_tags or all_tags. tags file will be about 100 MB, Global tags files will be about 70 MB, but Global can not parse files out of source tree, so avr32/include will be missed - use ctags instead of.

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