среда, 21 сентября 2011 г.

Creating of Intel HEX with Tcl/Tk

Intel HEX format is the simple ASCII format usually used to program different devices (it's flash and EEPROM memories). To create such data records, I use this code:
package provide ihex 1.0

namespace eval ihex {
    namespace export data EOF eraser
    set EOF ":00000001FF"

    proc verint {type value} {
        # Verify that value is in the type range. Known types are b (byte),
        # w (word), d (doubleword), q (quadword). If is out-of-range, then
        # raise will be callen
        set absvalue [::tcl::mathfunc::abs $value]

        proc raise {t v} {
            # Raise error message. t is type name, such as "word" or "quadword"
            error [format "Value 0x%X is not a %s" $v $t]

        switch -- $type {
            b { if {$absvalue > 255} {raise byte $absvalue} }
            w { if {$absvalue > 65536} {raise word $absvalue} }
            d { if {$absvalue > 4294967296} {raise doubleword $absvalue} }
            q { if {$absvalue > 18446744073709551616} {raise quadword $absvalue} }
        return 1

    proc args2bytes {args} {
        # Converts args to list of bytes (binary form of args). See
        # >>> args2bytes b1 w4A
        # 01 00 4A
        # Each arg is integer prefixed by b|w|d|q and is in hex-form.
        set bytes [list]
        foreach arg $args {
            set r [scan $arg %1s%x argtype argvalue]
            if {$r != 2} {
                #puts "some string..."
            } else {
                # verify value of argvalue (in type bounds)
                verint $argtype $argvalue
                # format argvalue into string
                switch -- $argtype {
                    b {set fmt %02X}
                    w {set fmt %04X}
                    d {set fmt %08X}
                    q {set fmt %016X}
                set sarg [format $fmt $argvalue]
                set argbytes [regexp -all -inline .. $sarg]
                set bytes [concat $bytes $argbytes]
        return $bytes

    proc crc {bytes} {
        # Calculate Intel-hex CRC for list of bytes (usual numbers in hex format
        # but without prefixes like b|w|d|q)
        set sum 0
        foreach b $bytes {
            incr sum 0x$b
        set sum [expr {(1 + ~$sum) & 0xFF}] ;# bcb
        return $sum

    proc data {address args} {
        # Returns data record for Intel hex format. args are list of integers such
        # b23 wAE... - byte 0x23, word 0x00AE
        set bytes [args2bytes {*}$args]
        set len [args2bytes [format b%X [llength $bytes]]]
        set address [args2bytes $address]
        set type 00
        set cc [crc [concat {} $len $address $type $bytes]]

        # Prepare output line
        set head :$len[join $address ""]$type
        set tail [join $bytes ""][format %02X $cc]
        return $head$tail

    proc join_eep {args} {
        # Join eep data records (":LLAAAA00..." strings) into one data record with size <= 256.
        # Does not check CRC of input records!
        set MAXSZ 256 ; # DONT USE > 256!!!
        # In the mem will be 256 "00 00 00..."
        for {set i 0} {$i < $MAXSZ} {incr i} { lappend mem 00 }
        set last_index 0
        foreach rec $args {
            set len [string range $rec 1 2]
            set address [string range $rec 3 6]
            set type [string range $rec 7 8]
            if {"0x$type" != 0} { continue } ;# skip not data records
            set bytes [string range $rec 9 end-2]
            set bytes [regexp -all -inline .. $bytes]
            #set ev [eval "expr {0x$address + 0x$len - 1}"]
            set from "0x$address"; set to [expr {"0x$address" + "0x$len" - 1}]
            set last_index [::tcl::mathfunc::max $last_index $to]
            set replacing "lreplace \$mem $from $to $bytes"
            set mem [eval $replacing]
        set len [format b%X [expr {$last_index + 1}]]
        set len [args2bytes $len]
        set address "00 00"
        set type 00
        set mem [lrange $mem 0 $last_index]
        set cc [crc [concat {} $len $address $type $mem]]

        # Prepare output line
        set head :$len[join $address ""]$type
        set tail [join $mem ""][format %02X $cc]
        return $head$tail
Procedure ihex::data is for create one record (ASCII line) from it's arguments as:
ihex::data b23 w0A
where each argument is value prefixed by b (for byte), w (for word), d (for doubleword), q (for quadword). Procedure ihex::join_eep is used to "join" into one memory 256-bytes chunk several records. It's arguments are in form of ":LLAAAATTDD...DCC". Procedure args2bytes is not exported but may be usable for creation bytes dump of it's arguments (also used b, w, d, q prefixes).

Changing icons in Windows Tcl Starpacks

Created Starpack will have default Tcl icons and you can see them in different view modes of Windows explorer (table, large icons...). This approach is based on http://wiki.tcl.tk/10922 receipt, but is in Makefile target form. And uses tools: reshacker.exeupx.exe and windres.exe from MinGW installation (at $MINGWHOME/bin/windres.exe), also supposes that you are using tclkit.exe as runtime. In my case I have application rfprg and "virtual" FS (catalog) - rfprg.vfs. And I have all these tools in the same catalog (with tclkit.exe). I created there the rfprg.rc file:
APPICONS ICON "rfprg.vfs/tclkit.ico"
TK ICON "rfprg.vfs/tclkit.ico"
Then I added next target into my Makefile:
	cp tclkit.exe tclkit1.exe
	upx.exe -d tclkit1.exe
	reshacker.exe -delete tclkit1.exe , tclkit2.exe , icongroup,,
	windres.exe -i rfprg.rc -o rfprg.res -J rc -O res -r
	reshacker.exe -add tclkit2.exe , tclkit3.exe , rfprg.res , ,,
	upx.exe tclkit3.exe
	mv tclkit3.exe tclkit.exe
	rm rfprg.res tclkit2.exe tclkit1.exe
And them:
make icons
This will replace "system" icons of tclkit.exe with rfprg.vfs/tclkit.ico. So you can use this "patched" tclkit.exe runtime to create Starpack with your custom icon.