суббота, 24 ноября 2012 г.

Tcl 'regsub' with replacing by procedure call

This is the procedure like regsub but replacement is happens with procedure - not text:
proc regsub2 {re inStr by {varName ""}} {
# Simple version of regsub but support substitution by proc:
# regsub2 $re $str $by, where $by can be {proc \1 \2...}
    set result $inStr
    set byCallStr [regsub -all {\\(\d+)} $by {$m\1}]
    set matchedVarsCount [lindex [regexp -about $re] 0]
    set matchedVarNames {all}
    for {set i 1} {$i <= $matchedVarsCount} {incr i} {
        lappend matchedVarNames "m$i"
    set nsubs 0
    foreach $matchedVarNames [regexp -all -inline $re $result] {
        set byRes [eval $byCallStr]
        set result [regsub $re $result $byRes]
        incr nsubs
    if {$varName eq ""} {
        return $result
    } else {
        upvar 1 $varName varName_
        set varName_ $result
        return $nsubs
If you call it with IncrTcl then use ::itcl::code proc.

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Thanks for your posting!