It's my first attempt to use Powershell on Linux: script for query and manipulating Haskell tags file.
Make script to be automatically loaded. For example, see here.
Also you need dependencies: peco and PowerShell, which can be installed on different Linux distributions (on some of them with little tricks: ignore some dependencies, link missing OpenSSH library to existing one or - better - install missing OpenSSH library of mandatory version).
First, create TAGS file:
tags -make
for current directory or:
tags -make ../TAGS
Also you can remove it with tags -rm
or tags -rm ../TAGS
(with path to file).
Before to query tags, you must to load it: $t=tags -load
or $t=tags -load ../TAGS
(or from another path). Now $t
contains all tags. So, you can show them with $t
or $t|ft
, etc. And, sure, to query:
$t|where {$_.Path -like '*Something*'}
you can use any typical query expressions for PowerShell, where criteria is attributes of module object. Hierarchy is: $t
is a list of modules, each module contains Tags
which is a list of tags. You can find demo here.
- Create tags
- Remove tags
- Load tags
- Query tags modules and tags itself
- Navigate over tags and modules in UI, run different editors
Currently modules consists of:
- Path
- Name
- Size
- List of exported symbols
- List of imported modules
- List of tags
Each tag consists of:
- Name
- Line number
- Exported flag
- Module reference
- Type (one of Data/Newtype/Instance/Module/Function)
- Text (currently not implemented)
- Shortcuts for run/open (InVim/InLess/InEditor/InFs)
P-o-C: mostly works, but exported flag is not always correct (sure), as well as list of exported symbols. Name of module mostly is right. Script is planning to be used mostly as refactoring helper: for example to find some functions in some modules with exporting/ not-exporting symbols like something.