пятница, 24 августа 2018 г.

Haskell Tags Query Script


It's my first attempt to use Powershell on Linux: script for query and manipulating Haskell tags file.


Make script to be automatically loaded. For example, see here.

Also you need dependencies: peco and PowerShell, which can be installed on different Linux distributions (on some of them with little tricks: ignore some dependencies, link missing OpenSSH library to existing one or - better - install missing OpenSSH library of mandatory version).


First, create TAGS file:

tags -make

for current directory or:

tags -make ../TAGS

Also you can remove it with tags -rm or tags -rm ../TAGS (with path to file).

Before to query tags, you must to load it: $t=tags -load or $t=tags -load ../TAGS (or from another path). Now $t contains all tags. So, you can show them with $t or $t|ft, etc. And, sure, to query:

$t|where {$_.Path -like '*Something*'}

you can use any typical query expressions for PowerShell, where criteria is attributes of module object. Hierarchy is: $t is a list of modules, each module contains Tags which is a list of tags. You can find demo here.


  • Create tags
  • Remove tags
  • Load tags
  • Query tags modules and tags itself
  • Navigate over tags and modules in UI, run different editors


Currently modules consists of:

  • Path
  • Name
  • Size
  • List of exported symbols
  • List of imported modules
  • List of tags

Each tag consists of:

  • Name
  • Line number
  • Exported flag
  • Module reference
  • Type (one of Data/Newtype/Instance/Module/Function)
  • Text (currently not implemented)
  • Shortcuts for run/open (InVim/InLess/InEditor/InFs)


P-o-C: mostly works, but exported flag is not always correct (sure), as well as list of exported symbols. Name of module mostly is right. Script is planning to be used mostly as refactoring helper: for example to find some functions in some modules with exporting/ not-exporting symbols like something.

суббота, 18 августа 2018 г.

Safe database queries


I recently encountered an error when my SQL queries affect more than one row. One of such bug was that query does select and got first row (I know that I get one), but truth is that I got more than one, so I select first, and, sure, it was not correct row.

I don't use ORMs, there are a lot of reasons why better to avoid them. But ORM like a schema can offer only restrictions on relations (usually). So, I try to find some solution which will deny situation when query select unexpected number of rows (it can be expanding on modify, etc).

I will try to cover 2 cases: statically verified and dynamically (at run-time). First is based on idea that I can know expected result and query property, which leads to such result. I mean, if I expect that result will contain single row, and I can classify queries as returning multiple/single rows then no problem to match them at compile time. In the second case, I expect single/multiple rows (again, as result or as modified set), but real result can be checked only at run-time (first, with result set size, second, with affected rows counter - it's available in many databases).

The code is:

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables  #-}

module Lib () where

import Data.Proxy

data Uniq = Uniq deriving Show
data NUniq = NUniq deriving Show
data UUniq = UUniq deriving Show

type family Un u where
    Un [a] = NUniq
    Un a = Uniq

class VerDim u where
  verDim :: [a] -> Either u u
instance VerDim Uniq where
  verDim [] = Right Uniq
  verDim [_] = Right Uniq
  verDim _ = Left Uniq
instance VerDim NUniq where
  verDim [] = Right NUniq
  verDim [_] = Left NUniq
  verDim _ = Right NUniq

-- maps value (term) to type (a): IsUniq -> Uniq, IsNotUniq -> NUniq
data IsUniq a where
  IsUniq :: IsUniq Uniq
  IsNotUniq :: IsUniq NUniq

-- emulation
data SQL a = SQL { sqlStm :: String } deriving (Show, Eq)
data Con = Con
class Query r where
    doQuery :: Con -> String -> IO r
instance Query Int where
    doQuery con s = return 123
instance Query [Int] where
    doQuery con s = return [5, 6]
class QueryN r where
    doQueryN :: Con -> String -> IO [r]
instance QueryN Int where
    doQueryN _ _ = return [1,2,3]
instance QueryN Float where
    doQueryN _ _ = return [1.0]

sql1 :: SQL Uniq
sql1 = SQL "select * from table where id=999"
sql2 :: SQL NUniq
sql2 = SQL "select * from table"
sql3 :: SQL UUniq
sql3 = SQL "select * from table where name='x'"

-- n <- exec sql1 Con :: IO Int
-- n <- exec sql1 Con :: IO [Int] -- DENIED
-- n <- exec sql2 Con :: IO Int -- DENIED
-- n <- exec sql2 Con :: IO [Int]
type IxIO i a = IO a
exec :: forall a i. (Query a, Un a ~ i) => SQL i -> Con -> IO a
exec sql con = do
    res <- doQuery con (sqlStm sql) :: IxIO i a
    return res

-- n <- dexec (Proxy::Proxy Uniq) sql3 Con :: IO [Float]
-- n <- dexec (Proxy::Proxy NUniq) sql3 Con :: IO [Float] -- DENIED
-- n <- dexec (Proxy::Proxy NUniq) sql3 Con :: IO [Int]
-- n <- dexec (Proxy::Proxy Uniq) sql3 Con :: IO [Int] -- DENIED
dexec :: forall a u i j. (QueryN a, Show u, VerDim u) => Proxy u -> SQL i -> Con -> IO [a]
dexec _proxy sql con = do
  res <- doQueryN con (sqlStm sql) :: IxIO j [a]
  case (verDim res :: Either u u) of
    Right u -> return res
    Left u -> error $ "Expected " ++ show u ++ "!!!"

-- n <- dexec IsUniq sql3 Con :: IO [Float]
-- n <- dexec IsNotUniq sql3 Con :: IO [Float] -- DENIED
-- n <- dexec IsNotUniq sql3 Con :: IO [Int]
-- n <- dexec IsUniq sql3 Con :: IO [Int] -- DENIED
dexec1 :: forall a u i j. (QueryN a, Show u, VerDim u)
  => IsUniq u -> SQL i -> Con -> IxIO j [a]
dexec1 _proxy sql con = do
  res <- doQueryN con (sqlStm sql) :: IxIO j [a]
  case (verDim res :: Either u u) of
    Right u -> return res
    Left u -> error $ "Expected " ++ show u ++ "!!!"

Terminology is a little bit strange :) Uniq - means only 1 (or 0) rows. NUniq means 0 or multiple rows. UUniq - unknown uniqueness. exec function executes SQL statement which is phantom and is marked with property - returning single (Uniq) or multiple (NUniq) rows. So, with exec it's easy to do queries which are verified at compile time: exec is polymorphic, but you can not select multiple rows with SQL statement returning only one and vice versa.

dexec is more interesting function, it does dynamic queries and you use Proxy first argument to pass expecting result rows size (Uniq/NUniq) but SQL statements can ne any (sql1, sql2, sql3). If low level database query function returns multiple rows while you expect single, then you will get error like "Expected Uniq!!!". There is another version dexec1 based on GADT instead of Proxy which looks more naturally.

One note only, this is the proof of concept, so instead of real SQL layer usage, I made some mockup with doQuery and doQueryN functions:

  • doQuery :: IO Int - emulates single row result
  • doQuery :: IO [Int] - emulates multiple row results
  • doQueryN :: IO [Int] - emulates multiple row results and type is [a]
  • doQueryN :: IO [Float] - emulates single row result and result is [a]

So, doQueryN emulates run-time variability of the result. Returning result as list [a] may be replaced with some special type (for dexec), to deconstruct underlying items easy (something like exists NotEmptyList).

This P-o-C shows that database manipulation have some semantical/logical context: the same SQL query can depend on its parameters and result may be expected to be single or multiple. This is relative to different joins, etc. Context is knows at call-site, so there it must be set. All database communication must verify that expecting effects happen.

In the real world, dynamic verification can be done on SQL-site (as triggers), this may be better solution.