autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook function save_pwd { echo "$PWD" > "$HOME/.zshpwd" } add-zsh-hook chpwd save_pwd cd `cat $HOME/.zshpwd 2>/dev/null`put it in ~/.zshrc :)
среда, 11 сентября 2013 г.
ZSH: restoring last working directory
This little snippet helps to save/restore working directory on start/exit zsh shell:
вторник, 10 сентября 2013 г.
Android build simplifier
Add this alias to ~/.bashrc:
Or the same but as explicit function (put it, for example in ~/.zshrc):
alias amake='_(){ rm -f ./build.log; . ./build/; lunch $1; make -j8 2>&1|tee ./build.log; }; _'and now you can avoid, lunch running and get build log file :) Better is to run:
$ amake something-userdebugfrom Android source directory.
Or the same but as explicit function (put it, for example in ~/.zshrc):
function amake() { /bin/bash -s stdin << EOF rm -f ./build.log . ./build/ lunch $1 make -j8 2>&1|tee ./build.log EOF }
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