пятница, 6 апреля 2012 г.

AVR32: development without IDE - only command line tools

How-To install environment for AVR32 development on Windows.

I downloaded avr-toolchain-installer- and install it. Then downloaded asf-standalone-archive-3.0.1.zip (Atmel Software Framework)and unpacked it into c:\Program Files\Atmel\AVR Tools\. Then downloaded uname.exe (see bug with uname.exe, returns "windows32" on Windows instead of something like "MINGW32_NT-6.0") and replace with it installed c:\Program Files\Atmel\AVR Tools\AVR Toolchain\bin\uname.exe.

Testing of compiling ASF application: cd into c:\Program Files\Atmel\AVR Tools\asf-3.0.1\avr32\applications\uc3-dsplib-demo\at32uc3a3256_evk1104\gcc\ and run make:
"c:\Program Files\Atmel\AVR Tools\AVR Toolchain"\bin\make
after it you'll get .hex (and .elf and many other) files there!

Another way is to install AVR Studio and to use it's console but AVR Studio is so big :)

Programming a device

There are different ways to do it. For example, with avrdude, avr32program or atprogram. avrdude is free GNU program for Linux, Windows, Mac, it needs libusb to be installed. If you use Windows, then get it from http://sourceforge.net/projects/libusb-win32/, attach device, install (with inf-wizard.exe) driver (select your device from list, generate .inf and install), then run something like this:
avrdude.exe -P usb -c %PROGRAMMATOR% -p %MCU%
. Last (today:) version of avrdude for Windows is here: http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/avrdude/avrdude-5.11-Patch7610-win32.zip.
If you use AVR Dragon and Windows Vista, you can have problems with this!
For AVRDragon install last AVR Studio and use it's programmer tool: Jungo WinDriver. It's possible to install Jungo driver without studio, but you need also atprogram.exe or avr32program.exe tools. They needs XML files (database of MCUs and looks for themin installed Studio path).
Jungo driver will conflict with libusb drivers. So, remove libusb drivers first. For Windows: click WinKey+Pause, open Devices' manager and remove (deinstall) libusb drivers when device is attached. Then go to C:\Windows\System32 and delete file libusb0.dll. Then go to C:\Windows\System32\Drivers and delete libusb0.sys. Now detach device. Install Jungo drivers (automatically when install Studio or manually), attach device (AVRDragon I'm meaning) and if it ask you about driver files point to C:\Program Files\Atmel\Atmel USB (I thing Windows automatically can find it...). After it you should see in Deviceses' Manager this:
  |    |
  .    +--AVR Dragon
  .    +--WinDriver
and no any libusb32!!! AVRDragon and board should be on power (attached to USB). If Windows found "Unknown devices" (board, attached to USB for power) you can delete it from device list. Now if you use Studio 6 run in Atmel Studio Command Prompt (see Programs menu) something like this:
atprogram -t avrdragon -i jtag -d at32uc3b0512 read -fs -s 4
and you will see data bytes in console.
Better is to run Studio and try to open programming dialog. Studio will verify version of AVR Dragon firmware and upgrade it (if needed).