суббота, 1 апреля 2017 г.

Haskell Mustache templating usage

This is a small example how to use Mustache template implementation in Haskell. Main idea of Mustache is to avoid complex syntax and all semantics is getting from variable itself: boolean vairables using as sections allow to hide/show its content, lists - to enumerate its content, etc. Example is very simple! You need to add mustache and text packages into your .cabal file only.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes       #-}
module Main where
import qualified Data.Text             as T
import           Text.Mustache
import           Text.Mustache.Compile

-- Tutorial: https://www.stackbuilders.com/tutorials/haskell/mustache-templates/

templ :: Template
templ = [mustache|We are the good Company "{{name}}":
- my name is {{name}} and I'm {{age}} years old

data Company = Company {
  cName :: T.Text
, cPersons :: [Person]
instance ToMustache Company where
  toMustache c = object
    [ "persons" ~> cPersons c
    , "name" ~> cName c

data Person = Person {
  pName :: T.Text
, pAge  :: Int
instance ToMustache Person where
  toMustache per = object
    [ "age" ~> pAge per
    , "name" ~> pName per

main :: IO ()
main = do
  let c = Company "MS" [Person "Alex" 20, Person "Jane" 21, Person "John" 25]
  putStr $ T.unpack $ substitute templ $ c

Output is:

We are the good Company "MS":
- my name is Alex and I'm 20 years old
- my name is Jane and I'm 21 years old
- my name is John and I'm 25 years old

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