среда, 24 октября 2012 г.

PEG grammars in Tcl - simple example

This is the very simple example how to create PEG grammar and parse some text with it in Tcllib (I used Tcllib 1.4).
package require starkit
package require pt::peg::from::peg
package require pt::peg::container
package require pt::peg::interp

set PEG {
PEG myapp (Exp)
    IfKw       <- 'i' 'f'                               ;
    ThenKw     <- 't' 'h' 'e' 'n'                       ;
    ElseKw     <- 'e' 'l' 's' 'e'                       ;
    OSp        <- ('\t' / '\n' / ' ')?                  ;
    Sp         <- ('\t' / '\n' / ' ')+                  ;
    Block      <- (Exp / 't') &';'                      ;
    Cond       <- 'c' / 'o'                             ;
    If         <- IfKw Sp Cond OSp ':' OSp Block        ;
    Exp        <- If                                    ;

set CPEG [pt::peg::from::peg convert $PEG]
pt::peg::container cont
cont deserialize = $CPEG
set src "if c: if o:t;"
pt::peg::interp myint
myint use cont
puts [myint parset $src]
(I use startkit...)
This grammar is very simple (and non-realistic): it defines rules to parse nested 'if'-expression like this:
if c: if o: t;
where CONDITION is 'c' or 'o', BLOCK is another EXP (expression) or 't' followed by ';'; when blocks are nested, only one ';' is needed. Example has bugs (see Sp, OSp - Optional SPaces) but shows base tricks with PEG, for ex., PEG definition is loaded from variable, not imported from file, so you need for your App. not all Tcllib packages :) After running, you get:
c:\>tclkitsh.exe main.tcl
Exp 0 11 {If 0 11 {IfKw 0 1} {Sp 2 2} {Cond 3 3} {OSp 4 3} {OSp 5 5} {Block 6 11 {Exp 6 11 {If 6 11 {IfKw 6 7} {Sp 8 8}
{Cond 9 9} {OSp 10 9} {OSp 11 10} {Block 11 11}}}}}

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